Did you see what this girl did?

This two-year-old girl was watching a cartoon in her parents living room.
At one point, one of the cartoon characters started to cry. you could actually see the tears coming out of their eyes.
This young girl grabbed a tissue from the living room, walked up to the television and started to wipe the screen. Trying to wipe the tear of the cartoon character. It was an incredible show of kindness, compassion, empathy, and love from this two-year-old girl. She truly believed that the cartoon character was crying and that her, with the tissue, would be able to wipe away its tears.
It was one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. and that was when I realized that we're wired for generosity but educated for greed. When we're young we have this energy to give, to serve, to be compassionate to be loving, to be kind. But as we go through life, when we're faced with people being extremely challenging, when we're faced with manipulation, when we're faced with people we don't trust, that also makes us close up.

Another example I saw was this statue of rabbits climbing up. And it was a complete statue made out of stone. And one of the rabbits looks like he was falling off. And this young man, this little, little child, was trying to push the rabbit to make sure that it didn't fall off.
It's incredible how we're wired for generosity, how we're wired for service, how inside of us we want to make a positive difference.
And all of the scientific evidence and research shows how those who volunteer, those who serve regularly, those who try to make an impact in the of other people are happier, healthier, and more fulfilled.

What can you do today that can make a difference in someone else's life?

what could you say to someone today that would absolutely change the week of their year?

what is the one thing that you can do that can truly change them the experience of even just one person on the planet?

My favorite quote from Muhammad Ali is that "Service to others is the rent we pay for our room here on earth."
No matter how much you have or how little you have, any word, any moment, any action, can have a huge ripple effect in our society and humanity. And today we need this more than ever. Random acts of kindness. Spreading love and empathy. Small acts, just simple small acts when multiplied by millions of people can truly change the world.

I hope you're going to be a part of that today.


  1. ohh it's so cute! Good girl!

  2. This is so cute! I'm always amazed how kind and generous kids can be!

  3. Aww such a great kid. A child raised well

  4. Such a beautiful post. Inspires us to be more kind as adults.

  5. Yeah, we are born this way...... But things changed due to factors we oftentimes overlooked and before we realized it..... We are no longer that caring child.... 😔 Sad

  6. Awww, this was touching, inspiring and eye-opening at the same time.


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